Giving Praise to Inspire Your Staff to Greatness

“There are two things people want more than sex and money… recognition and praise” — Mary Kay Ash  Mary Kay Ash established the global Mary Kay® direct-sales cosmetic business in 1963 with $5,000 and the help of her 20-year-old son. Today it is a $3.5 billion company. Mary Kay built the foundation of her business on

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How Betty Friedan Made Being Assertive (Not Aggressive) OK

It hardly seems possible that 57 years have passed since the publication of Betty Friedan’s groundbreaking book “The Feminine Mystique” in February, 1963. She made it OK for women to be more assertive in the workplace at a time when companies still ran separate employment ads for women and men. Sure, how things have changed

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Keep Your Hands to Yourself and Not All Over Me!

It was hard to miss the spectacle of Vice President Joe Biden at the swearing-in-ceremony for the new Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter. The Veep’s hands were clasping the shoulders of the Secretary’s wife, Stephanie Carter, while he appeared to be whispering “sweet nothings” in her ear. Biden’s behavior was inappropriate. What was he thinking?

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The Newman Group is a recognized leader in guiding business professionals, celebrities and authors to improve their communications skills in presentations and media interviews.

Our highly skilled and experienced professionals have the expertise in media and presentation training to meet any business situation — from helping an executive to prepare for the challenge of talking to a reporter during a business crisis to presenting a group of investors during an IPO or keeping a celebrity spokesperson on point.
