
Coaching Executives for an IPO and a Seamless Investor Presentation

Your company is up and running with a successful track record of sales and earnings and you’ve decided to conduct an Initial Pubic Offering (IPO). How do you prepare for a seamless presentation when there are so many key players and complicated logistics involved? Pick Your Team Wisely Start by choosing the right investment bank.

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Venture Capital Firms Invest in the Deal…and the People

Venture capital investors were the silent partners in building several of the best-known companies in the world – including Apple, the #1 ranked global brand. Venture capitalists are private investors who seek new deals. Many companies are start-ups in the technology and biotech sectors that promise a high rate of return. If you’re seeking venture

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The Newman Group is a recognized leader in guiding business professionals, celebrities and authors to improve their communications skills in presentations and media interviews.

Our highly skilled and experienced professionals have the expertise in media and presentation training to meet any business situation — from helping an executive to prepare for the challenge of talking to a reporter during a business crisis to presenting a group of investors during an IPO or keeping a celebrity spokesperson on point.
