
What is That Elusive Something Known as “Executive Presence?”

As former United States Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said when he couldn’t find words to describe obscenity in a film, “I know it when I see it.” That’s how you feel when you’re in the presence of someone with “executive presence.” You can’t describe it; you just know it when you see it. What is Executive

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News Flash: You Can’t Fake Being Authentic

A lot is being said and written about being authentic because so many people aren’t. Think about a police chief who fudges his department’s response to a crisis. Or, government and corporate leaders that promise one thing and then do another. What is Authenticity? Authenticity means being real or genuine, and telling the truth. You

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Brush Up on Your Small Talk if You Want to Land That Dream Job

Communication skills and the ability to engage in “small talk” is the #1 asset for job candidates according to a survey conducted by BloombergBusiness. That’s also sound advice for working executives and those who want to advance in their organizations. Small Talk is an Ice Breaker The next two most important assets cited in the study

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Woman Carrying Bottle

When You Learn Your Employee is an Alcoholic

It’s not only disheartening but also disruptive when you learn one of your staff members has a drinking problem. Just this past week, a business colleague had a very upsetting experience that almost lost her a client. She called us in frustration because she didn’t know what to say to her employee. Don’t Become an

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Without Communication Skills You Can’t be an Effective Manager

Many individuals are elevated to manager without knowing what it takes to be a manager. When organizations cut budgets they frequently consider alleged “soft skills,” like management and communications training, to be expendable. However, the truth is that this type of training could be more essential to the success of a manager and his organization

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If You Lack Communication Skills You Can’t be an Effective Manager

Many people are promoted to manager without knowing what it takes to be a manager. When companies cut budgets they often consider so-called “soft skills,” like management and communications training, to be expendable. However, the truth is that this type of training could be more important to the success of a manager and his company

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The Newman Group is a recognized leader in guiding business professionals, celebrities and authors to improve their communications skills in presentations and media interviews.

Our highly skilled and experienced professionals have the expertise in media and presentation training to meet any business situation — from helping an executive to prepare for the challenge of talking to a reporter during a business crisis to presenting a group of investors during an IPO or keeping a celebrity spokesperson on point.
