Power Words
Use "Power Words" in Presentations and Media Interviews
When speakers at a conference and commentators on television begin a sentence with “I think” or “I hope,” it detracts from their expertise. Those are not power words. Even well-known experts often start a sentence with tentative...
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Woman Making a Banana Smoothie
All That Preparation and Your Product Demonstration Flopped
Your worst fear is happening, live and on air: the product you’re demonstrating doesn’t work. When it happens on TODAY, it’s more than a bit embarrassing and certainly diminishes the company’s product and brand. You Can’t...
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Why Things Can Go Wrong After the Presentation Coach Leaves
The polished speaker you heard at the last industry conference you attended very likely went through presentation training. But do you remember how embarrassed you were for another speaker at that same conference who flubbed...
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Don’t Forget to Wear Your Socks
Don’t laugh. This happened to a client not too long ago. He’s a very busy CEO, who was so tired that he showed up at a morning press conference in a suit and tie but without socks. It was a tell tale sign that he had mentally...
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My Heart is Racing So Fast I Think I’m Going to Faint!
Being a little nervous before a presentation, or media interview, is only natural. However, it’s not natural if you panic and your heart starts racing, you break out in a sweat and want to throw up. If that describes you,...
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What is That Elusive Something Known as “Executive Presence?”
Executive Presence? As former United States Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said when he couldn’t find words to describe obscenity in a film, “I know it when I see it.” That’s how you feel when you’re in the presence...
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Negatives Positives Computer Keys Showing Plus And Minus Alternatives Analysis And Decisions
News Flash: You Can't Fake Being Authentic
A lot is being said and written about being authentic because so many people aren’t. Think about a police chief who fudges his department’s response to a crisis. Or, government and corporate leaders that promise one thing...
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You’ve Lost Your Audience – Now What?
You’re feeling good, you’re well prepared, the room set up is just right, and you’ve launched into your presentation. Then your heart sinks. You can feel the negative vibes coming from the audience. They’ve tuned out. (more…)
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Thumbs Up and  a Well Done! on a blackboard
Giving Praise to Inspire Your Staff to Greatness
“There are two things people want more than sex and money… recognition and praise” — Mary Kay Ash  Mary Kay Ash established the global Mary Kay® direct-sales cosmetic business in 1963 with $5,000 and the help of her...
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The Newman Group is a recognized leader in guiding business professionals, celebrities and authors to improve their communications skills in presentations and media interviews.

Our highly skilled and experienced professionals have the expertise in media and presentation training to meet any business situation — from helping an executive to prepare for the challenge of talking to a reporter during a business crisis to presenting a group of investors during an IPO or keeping a celebrity spokesperson on point.
