I dream big concept
Have You Already Broken Your New Year’s Resolutions?
Our hunch is that many of you are thinking, “Oh no! Not another blog on New Year’s Resolutions!”  We felt the same way but then decided to make our resolutions so we could join the conversations whether at the water cooler,...
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Does Style Trump Substance in a Presentation or Media Interview?
Style or substance? Is it your style that will make you a memorable speaker? Or is substance more important in a presentation or media interview? There isn’t universal agreement, although both are essential qualities for...
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business meeting
Coaching Executives for an IPO and a Seamless Investor Presentation
Your company is up and running with a successful track record of sales and earnings and you’ve decided to conduct an Initial Pubic Offering (IPO). How do you prepare for a seamless presentation when there are so many key...
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Exam and quiz
Venture Capital Firms Invest in the Deal…and the People
Venture capital investors were the silent partners in building several of the best-known companies in the world – including Apple, the #1 ranked global brand. Venture capitalists are private investors who seek new deals....
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Why Should a Sell-Side Analyst Recommend Your Company?
Should They Recommend Your Company? A recurring – and some would say nerve-racking – event is the sell-side analyst briefing. A sell-side analyst works for a brokerage or financial advisory firm that manages individual accounts....
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Think Before you Speak words on Road Sign and Stop Sign
Think Before You Speak Because You Can't Hit Rewind (Mr. Trump)
Do you have a loose tongue? Do you open your mouth and start making indiscreet and potentially embarrassing remarks that will come back to haunt you? You can avoid what’s also called "diarrhea of the mouth" by thinking before...
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Know When to Walk Away advice on a cork notice board
You Know It’s Time to Walk Away From a Difficult Situation
Do you find you’re not sleeping at night? Are you taking aspirins to relieve your splitting headaches? Have you complained to your friends about your “client from hell?” These are signals that something isn’t right. Taking...
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Why Memorizing is a Dirty Word
Unless you’re a professional actor who is paid to learn his lines, don’t try to memorize your presentations. Why put more pressure on yourself when you’re already anxious in front of an audience? Memorizing is a no-win...
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Your Client’s Executive Assistant Can be Your Best Friend
Your Best Friend CEOs and other top-ranking executives these days are glued to their computers like the rest of us. But a high-powered executive assistant is still an essential fixture in the executive suite, even if her...
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The Newman Group is a recognized leader in guiding business professionals, celebrities and authors to improve their communications skills in presentations and media interviews.

Our highly skilled and experienced professionals have the expertise in media and presentation training to meet any business situation — from helping an executive to prepare for the challenge of talking to a reporter during a business crisis to presenting a group of investors during an IPO or keeping a celebrity spokesperson on point.
